All together now! That was the idea and it came reality. For everybody it was a new experience.
The INTERCAMBIO is our yearly joint meeting space for the whole h3 family, colleagues from all offices but also colleagues from the member organisations. It is organised alternatively as personal meeting and virtual meeting. This year it was a compact virtual meeting.
On the first day of the Intercambio all colleagues from all regions, including all Advisors, were invited.
Now one week after the Intercambio we give you a short review - All together now:
First of all, it was great. It was impressive and it was all new. Around 100 people in a large ZOOM meeting with lots of break-out rooms, 4 languages, all organized at one point, and internationally too: A big thank you to the moderation team around Lisi, Kristina, Friedbert, Eva and Joel. Another very big thank you to Dragica Gagic, who coached and moderated a different group almost every day.
Behind this is the technical support. Every little detail was handled professionally and straightforwardly and we could always rely on the support, even when some members of the communications team didn't know how to share their screens in the Zoom sessions ;) or similar things that always happen. We always had great music and felt in a safe atomsphere the whole time.
A big thank you to Stephan Walker for all his support with this event.
That's how it looks like having more than 100 persons in ZOOM meetings:
We got some really nice feedback from our colleagues around the world, thank you very much:
"The most impressive moment for me was the collaboration and enthusiasm of the participants. As new project coordinator and climate focal person in Senegal, the Intercambio provided me with valuable insights, as well as innovative ideas for improving our future initiatives."
"It was very impressive to see the large number of participants at the Intercambio. When working in the field as an Advisor, there are times when you feel that you are on your own. The Intercambio proved the opposite - we are many people working in the same direction to positively impact the lives of others. This sense of togetherness was a great feeling."
"The most impressive moment for me was the first day of the Intercambio, when 104 people connected virtually from all regions of the world, which made me confirm that «the strength of the h3 team comes from each active member». Also, it was very useful to know what is the context and the current situation in the other regional and country offices."
Thanks to ALL participants & see you next year!