Launching this new website has been in the works for quite some time, so finally being able to share it with you is really exciting. One of the main reasons for updating the site is that we are proud of our content and want to give it a deserving platform.
As our managing director Erwin Eder put it: “We want to counter the flood of bad news that we are confronted with on a daily basis with more good news. After all, our projects and personnel assignments are full of success stories about what a good life can look like for everyone in the world within the ecological boundaries.”
With our new design, the page is now quicker to navigate and it will be easier to find these news and stories.
Take brief look at the excerpt of our Brand Guide by Futur Perfekt Studio:
Of course, our aim with this site is also to broaden our audience and to reach more young people. “With these success stories”, said Eder, “we give hope and convey visions for a future worth living. Today, this is more important than ever in order to preserve and further develop a society based on solidarity." So, if you know someone who needs a little reminder of some good that is happening in the world, why not send them the link to our website? They might also find some open job vacancies, as well as a possibility to connect with people in the field.
So, thank you for stopping by and do continue in doing so because as time goes on, only more new content will be added. That’s all for now, now go see for yourself and have a snoop around!