"Joining horizont3000 is a significant step in my professional journey, combining my passion for social justice with my expertise in digital marketing. So grateful and excited about this great mission."
What inspired you to work for horizont3000?
Sue: Since I was a young adult, I have aspired to work globally because I see a world without borders. Justice and equality for all are core to my beliefs, which led me to choose a non-governmental organisation. Supporting people where it is wanted has always been important to me. A few years ago, I had the honor of holding a storytelling workshop at horizont3000, which was transformative. I felt at home and deeply connected with the Vienna office team. Their welcoming atmosphere and strong commitment to their mission inspired me and solidified my decision to join the team.
How do your values align with the NGO’s mission?
Sue: horizont3000’s values perfectly align with my own. I am deeply committed to making the world a better place and connecting people from diverse backgrounds. The NGO’s mission to promote sustainable development, human rights, and gender equality matches my belief in collective action and supporting communities. Working with horizont3000 allows me to live out these values daily, contributing to meaningful change and connecting with like-minded individuals passionate about social justice.
What Excites You About This Role, and How Will Your Skills Help?
Sue: I am thrilled to enhance horizont3000’s visibility through social media. With over 15 years of experience in digital and social media marketing, including work with alumni networks and various clients, I am well-equipped to drive the NGO's digital strategy forward. This is my first role in the NGO sector, and I am incredibly motivated to use my skills to support horizont3000’s mission.
My expertise in storytelling, content creation, and social media will be crucial in amplifying the voices and stories of those we serve. By implementing targeted social media strategies and conducting workshops, I aim to empower all members and stakeholders of horizont3000 to share their experiences and achievements effectively. Social media offers a unique opportunity for organic growth, enabling everyone involved with horizont3000 to contribute to our collective narrative and expand our reach.
Building a strong online community is a key objective of mine. Through interactive content, engaging dialogue, and consistent branding, we plan to create a vibrant digital presence that reflects the values and goals of horizont3000. It is an honor to be part of this journey, and I am excited to help build a supportive and engaged community that can drive our mission of sustainable development and social justice forward.