Climate Action

Climate Action for the future

Promoting climate resilience through gender-sensitive resource management and renewable energy


integrated approach
Our projects aim to enhance community resilience and adaptive capacity to the climate crisis and to foster food sovereignty, promoting practices that enhance biodiversity, soil health and ecosystem services. Our integrated approaches address structural inequalities which we recognise as root causes of vulnerabilities.

Low-carbon development

renewable energy
We support the transition to renewable energy and energy efficiency, promote climate-friendly farming and business practices, and support our partners to tap into carbon finance. Through these measures we aim to create opportunities for employment and income generation, thus boosting environmentally-sound economic development.

Empowering communities

good governance
We prioritise community ownership of climate adaptation measures and environmental stewardship and facilitate knowledge exchange between knowledge holders both traditional and science based. Our focus is on strengthening local organisations, such as farmers groups, cooperatives and resource user committees, building their capacities in good governance and community-based management of resources and ecosystems.
horizont3000 - NGO for Development Cooperation


Environmental & Climate Policy

Environmental & Climate Policy English

Política Ambiental & Climática Spanish

Directive Environnement & Climat French

Política Ambiental & Climatíca Portugues


Our areas of work

Renewable energy and energy efficiency

  • Advancing the adoption of solar power to enhance energy access in remote locations, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Promoting the use of efficient cookstoves and of alternative fuel sources to reduce firewood consumption and indoor air pollution
  • Supporting energy planning and the development of sound operation, maintenance and business models, including carbon finance, for sustainability of energy infrastructure

Mainstreaming and advocacy

  • Encouraging environmental and climate mainstreaming in all projects, supporting partners with tools and ongoing assistance.
  • Advancing climate and environmental literacy and climate risk management skills
  • Trainings and coaching for our staff and partner organisations on climate and environment issues. Advocating for climate action at local level through our partners' efforts and at (inter)national level through membership in the Austrian Alliance for Climate Justice.

Agro-ecosystem and watershed management

  • Strengthening climate-resilient agriculture, forestry and fishery practices based on agroecological principles.
  • Promoting ecosystem-based adaptation initiatives, focussed on conserving and restoring ecosystems and their services, such as food forests and mangrove reforestation for coastal protection.
  • Fostering integrated water resource management to ensure sustainable water use within watersheds, balancing the needs of human consumption, agriculture and ecosystem functionality.


Our Audience


Through awareness raising, knowledge sharing, and skills training, we empower individuals to take action on climate change and build climate-resilient livelihoods. We also support households in developing environmentally friendly businesses and to become more energy- and resource-efficient.


We emphasise strengthening networks and cultivating knowledge exchange about climate action between our partners and with external stakeholders. We encourage our partner organisations to mainstream environment and climate issues in their processes, structures and strategies and to include a gender sensitive climate-resilience perspective in their interventions. We facilitate access to climate and carbon finance.


We strengthen networking and policy dialogue of Partner Organizations, advocating for systemic change towards low-carbon development and for an enabling policy environment for climate action. To make an impact at international level, horizont3000 is part of the Austrian Alliance for climate justice and is shareholder in Klima-Kollekte, which facilitates certified climate change mitigation projects.


Martina Luger

is our Climate Focal Point

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