Gender Equality

Primary goals

Gender Equality and Women’s Rights are central for sustainable development and poverty reduction


We strive to incorporate an intersectional gender perspective into all programs and projects and to strengthen gender equality at institutional levels. The aim is to promote equal opportunities for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.


We intend to empower all people to build just, equitable, and inclusive societies.


We intend to transformation of gender and power relationships of all people to build just, equitable, and inclusive societies.
horizont3000 - NGO for Development Cooperation


Gender Equality Policy

Gender Equality Policy English

Política de Igualdad de Género Spanish

Directive d'Égalité de Genre French

Política de Igualidade de Género Portugues


Our areas of work

Gender mainstreaming in organisations

  • Facilitation of gender specific trainings for staff, partner organisations and other relevant stakeholders
  • Provision of relevant tools for strengthening gender equality, empowerment and women’s/human rights
  • Support in the development of gender & diversity policies, gender action plans, gender audits and gender equality commitments
  • Learning from experience and good practice with our partners from different parts of the world

Mainstreaming across the project cycle

  • Analysis of intersectional gender inequalities as well as different roles of women, men, girls and boys in projects and programmes
  • Mainstreaming gender into project cylce management at all steps, including indicators and budgets
  • Ensuring equal access for women, men, girls, boys and sexual and gender minorities from diverse backgrounds and age groups, and responding to barriers specific to women and marginalised groups

Transformative gender action

  • Challenging the root causes creating gender inequality and combating discrimatory practices by strengthening women’s voices in decision and policy making
  • Reducing inequalities in access to resources, including due consideration of (waged and unwaged) care work
  • Engaging men and boys for alternative or positive concepts of masculinity


Levels of participating


Together with our partner organisations, we raise awareness about human rights among people who have been marginalised. In cases of human rights violations, we strive to provide the best possible support to those affected so that they can assert their own rights.


Promoting networks and exchanges, not only among our partner organisations, but also with external actors, is one of our priorities. Our advisor programme envisages to do just that by encouraging the organisational development of our partners.


Together with our partner organisations we provide trainings for leadership and political participation to combat human rights violations and to engage in policy dialogue. We back up human rights advocacy to put pressure towards good governance and legislation. Furthermore, we team up with the media and the public to incorporate human rights in their agendas.


Daniela Pfeffer

is Gender Focal Person in Vienna

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