Policy Dialogue


Our primary objectives


Together with our Partner Organisations we provide tools and training to facilitate political participation and social empowerment of people who have been marginalised. Our projects emphasise interactive and self-sustaining methods and approaches and we strive for policy dialogue to be mainstreamed/ institutionalised within the organisations.


Through the engagement of CSOs and their communities in policy dialogue the voice of the most marginalised will be heard and social change for the benefit [of the most marginalised] will be effected.


equal access
The better organisations connect and collaborate, the louder their voices grow, and the more pressure is put on duty-bearers. To amplify our impact in this way, we have put an emphasis on networking, exchanging and are setting up a Community of Practice.
horizont3000 - NGO for Development Cooperation

CSO's and Policy Dialogue Manual

A manual for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in East Africa for enhancing their capacities to engage in Policy Dialogue (2020)


Our areas of work

Training and Coaching

  • Tailormade Training on policy dialogue and policy engagement
  • Small Action Funds for Implementing PD Activities

Strengthening Civil Society

  • Community of Practice for learning, exchange and growths
  • Networking and exchange with actors on multiple levels
  • Mobilisation and securing of resources for organisations


Levels of participating


Strong organisations with policy dialogue as an institutional value. We build robust networks and facilitate exchanges between both partners and other actors.


Policy dialogue and advocacy are powerful tool to effect social change, particularly for those parts of society, which have been marginalised. Thus, we foster advocacy skills, policy dialogue, and media engagement to advance good governance and rights-based legislation.


Ulrike Bey

is the coordinator for Policy Dialogue projects at horizon3000. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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