Photo: At a Policy Dialogue Event in East Africa
Capacity Development for Policy Dialogue has been sustainably anchored in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in order for different CSOs to continuously influence policy processes with and in the interest of marginalised communities (Contribution to SDGs 16, esp. 16.7, and SDG 17, esp. 17.9.)
Directly involved are 17.022 people (9.539 female and 7.483 male) while approximately 60.881 people (appr. 51 % women) are indirectly involved.
The new phase of the Policy Dialogue Consortium Project (Phase IV) shall build on capacities and resources developed during the previous project phase(s) and reach stakeholders beyond the consortium to develop an online course and kick-start the process for a dynamic and sustainable exchange forum, allowing a broad range of CSOs in East Africa (and potentially beyond) to sus-tainably have access to capacity development as well as knowledge and experience sharing on policy dialogue. It will further support partner organisations to follow up on policies / laws previously initiated and their implementation for the benefit of marginalised populations, with gender considerations mainstreamed.
DESECE started as a CBO in 1993 with DELTA, WINDOW, Civic Education (Human Rights, Peace and Reconciliation), Mainstreaming Gender, and HIV and Aids, and organic Agriculture as its main activities. Due to expanding needs DESECE now also implements Policy Dialogue, Reproductive Health, Community Library, Hospitality and Agro-ecology.