In partnership with
FOR Peace Presence

Michaela Söllinger, Advisor for Civil Peace Work

Other regions
Human Rights & Civ. Soc.
Gender Equality
Climate Action

Photo: Edwin Mosquera, Michaela Söllinger, Alcira Ocampo, Yolanda Arizab

The advisory is carried out in cooperation with IFOR Austria.


The Peace Service contributes to promoting constructive relations between people and their environment in the province of Anitoquia and to contributing to the protection of existing ones. The peace expert works with human rights defenders in indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, smallholder farmers and demilitarized guerrilla groups on peaceful and collective models for the future.


Michaela Söllinger studied technical physics. After working as a human rights observer in Guatemala, she completed a master's degree in peace and conflict work.

Partner organisation - FOR Peace Presence

The Fellowship of Reconciliation Peace Presence (FORPP) is a non governmental organization dedicated to providing international accompaniment to communities and individuals at risk in Colombia who are working to promote human rights, peace and justice.

Location Antioquia, Kolumbien
Launch 15.11.2020
End 14.11.2024

Supporting sponsor(s)

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